What is cannabis oil?
‘Cannabis oil is a form of cannabis that consists of a mixture of vegetable oil (usually olive oil and/or hemp seed oil) and CBD (cannabidiol) or THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)’.
Notes on the definition of cannabis oil
There are actually various forms of cannabis oil; the most important difference is based on the active ingredient in the cannabis oil-mixture:
-CBD oil
-THC oil
CBD oil
In this form of cannabis oil, CBD (cannabidiol) is the main active ingredient. CBD oil is made from legal industrial hemp*. This form of cannabis oil therefore contains no or a negligible quantity of THC and therefore it is impossible to get high from CBD oil.
CBD is a cannabinoid (active ingredient) of which its effect has only fairly recently been discovered. This is why only little scientific research is available about CBD-use. However, numerous positive stories of people who use CBD oil have led to more funding becoming available for different clinical trials.
On our website, you can chose between different CBD oil varieties. Our CBD oils are of a consistently high quality and are supplied by well-known producers.
THC oil
This is the classic form of cannabis oil in which the well-known THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active ingredient (cannabinoid). In contrast to CBD oil, THC based cannabis oil can cause a high, but this will only happen if an incorrect dose is taken. To prevent this from happening again, a slightly lower dose of THC oil should be used. This is easy to do, because it is easy to determine an exact dose of cannabis oil.
Furthermore, the high of THC oil compared to smoking marijuana is very mild, it is described as being a physically and/or mentally relaxed feeling. If it happens, it is just a matter of quietly letting it pass and taking fewer THC oil drops next time.
The sale of THC oil is (still) illegal in Europe, so you will not find this form of cannabis oil listed on web shop. Cannabis oil is based on THC, however, relatively easy to produce yourself with the right equipment.
The endo-cannabinoid-system is important to normal functioning of the human body. The system is millions of years old and is also found in mammals such as dogs, cats and horses.
Endo-cannabinoids are substances produced by the human body itself (endo = internal), targets for these substances are the body’s cannabinoid receptors. The major receptors involved are the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are distributed through our brain and ensure the psycho-activity of marijuana when the THC substance comes into contact with the receptors in our body. CB2 receptors are located in our ***** and contribute to the reduction of *****.
Endo-cannabinoids are involved in several basic functions of our bodies. Since every person is different, there will be people who produce more of a particular substance and other people who produce less of a certain substance.
Plant cannabinoids
Apart from in the above mentioned living creatures, cannabinoids only occur in nature in one plant, namely the cannabis plant. The cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant are called phyto-cannabinoids (plant cannabinoid). These plant cannabinoids are virtually identical to the cannabinoids produced by our bodies (the endo-cannabinoids), and thus cannabis oil is not harmful either.
Cannabinoids from cannabis plants in addition to our own endo-cannabinoid-system
The idea is that when the body is out of balance, the use of plant cannabinoids can enhance a sense of wellbeing. Plant cannabinoids are safe, non-addictive, not harmful and cheap. The cannabis plant contains about 80 plant cannabinoids, the best known of which are THC and CBD.
America is currently taking huge steps in researching the effects of cannabis oil and endo-cannabinoids. It is expected that in the future, more supplements will be based on influencing the human cannabinoid-system and that synthetic (artificial) supplements and natural supplements (e.g. cannabis oil) will overlap.
Tip: always try CBD oil first!
If you have doubts about choosing between CBD oil and THC oil, it is always sensible to try CBD oil first. Cannabis oil based on CBD is legal in Europe (you can simply purchase it via our webshop) and it is impossible to get high from CBD oil. If CBD based cannabis oil does not seem to work for you, you can always try using the THC oil.
Extra information
*What is industrial hemp?
Industrial hemp is the term we use to denote those variations of the cannabis plant that are used for non-recreational purposes: fibre hemp, textiles and food supplements such as CBD oil.
Marihuana stands apart from hemp. Marihuana is used for recreational purposes is found in so called coffee shops; this plant that belongs to the cannabis family, is more commonly known as marijuana or weed. Marihuana in coffeeshops can produce a high, hemp can NOT produce a high.
Did you know that hemp belongs to one of the oldest crops grown by man? The benefits of hemp plants for humans are very diverse. The mention a few: they can be cultivated without the use of pesticides, they produce oxygen and no soil erosion occurs where they are cultivated.
*The difference between industrial hemp and cannabis with a higher THC-percentage
The cannabis variety that is grown for industrial purposes, so called ‘industrial hemp’ (food, dietary supplements, textile, auto industry) is the sativa variety (for example in America, England, France, Canada, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, China, Uruguay and India).
The indica variety of the cannabis plant contains a higher THC-percentage and a weaker fibre and is therefore grown for recreational purposes.
The big difference between the sativa plant (e.g. industrial hemp, strains high in CBD content) and the indica plant (marijuana/weed, THC-variety) is the appearance of the plant and the quantity of THC that is contained in both plant species.
Industrial hemp contains a negligible amount of THC (less than 0.3%), whereas the indica plant generally contains 6 to 15% of THC.
The THC-percentage present in industrial hemp plants is too low to produce a physical or mental effect.