Returns policy

If you aren’t entirely satisfied with your purchase, please let us know within 14 days from the purchase date. If you want to return your ordered goods, you have 14 days after that to do so. After receiving your returned goods, we will initiate a refund to your original method of payment.

Product returns to can only be arranged by using the returns form, provided that the article has not been opened or used. Please do not send back any products to us without our prior permission.

Download the returns form and print it. Complete the returns form carefully. Package the product you wish to return carefully. Cut the return address from the returns form and stick it onto your parcel so that it can be seen clearly.

Save your dispatch docket (track & trace-code). Once we have received your returned parcel, we will refund the amount paid to your bank account within 14 days.

Please note! The value of the product plus original sending costs will be reimbursed to you. You will cover the costs of returning the product yourself. To download a returns form please click on the link below.